Avoiding the Laundry

The rantings of a 40 year old woman with too many kids, too many animals, too many opinions and not enough anger pills.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Winging It

sometimes a blog is more like an open diary. you may find no interest in this, except in the sense that if you want to more about me, this is a page out of my book. that's all.

I just discovered the newest joy of my life.
Yes, I know others of you have made it part of your lives for something like 7 years already, but I was having babies and not paying attention. Plus, as I may have mentioned here, I try not to get too involved with any show that requires me to "keep up", since I invariably can't, so I get frustrated. The last TV show that I watched religiously was "Murphy Brown", I think. Maybe "ER" in the first few seasons. That tells you something about me, too.
Now I have a few extra minutes sometimes (the Son can tie his own shoes and brush his own teeth), and I'm finding new /old pleasures.

So this one is THE WEST WING. I adore it. I love the brilliant dialogue, the improbable but still somehow realistic plots, the look on CJ Cragg's face when the Toby says something paranoid.
I love the pace and the vocabulary. I love the humor. I even love how they take themselves way too seriously.

So, having OCD, I have fully immersed myself in catching up. I first noticed it when I was up with a sleepless child a few weeks ago. I wanted to put on something that wouldn't surprise us with a sex scene or violent outburst, and landed on what looked like it might be a boring conversation between Martin Sheen and some guy regarding missiles in some country that I was pretty sure didn't exist. I have a couple of friends who have tried to get me interested over years, so I knew it was probably pretty good, but, as I said, I was wiping noses. Still, it was after midnight, and "Roseanne's" whine was doing nothing to soothe my Savage's breast.

Within 10 minutes, I was hooked, and my Son was out cold.

Coincidentally (providentially?), Bravo channel was having a 6th Season Marathon that following week. Oh happy day!.... or, um...days!
For 6 hours or so every day for a week- run through twice in case I couldn't see it earlier in the day- I made new friends, and my Oldest and the Husband joined me in what has become a Magnificent Obsession. And at the end of the week, we could join in the current 7th Season festivities without feeling left out of the loop.

Now, of course, I have learned that true WestWingers believe the first 3 seasons to be the best (the DVDs are on order), and that Aaron Sorkin's departure almost killed the show. I get that the writing changed when he left, but I still find it brilliant in the same way M*A*S*H* was: political angst, too-quick repartee and dry humor will get me every time. And then there's Martin Sheen's voice.
I also get that it leans far left, and that it glorifies a Presidency that our current government would like to erase from our memories. But I don't care- and that tells you something about me, too.

And that brings only one complain I have about it, really. It's that when I see our REAL President, and all his minions, I want to cry. Or scream. Or vote.

2008 is so far away....

I'm going back to my TV
see ya later.


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