Avoiding the Laundry

The rantings of a 40 year old woman with too many kids, too many animals, too many opinions and not enough anger pills.

Friday, March 25, 2005


I turned 40 last week.

One of the gifts that my husband and sister gave me was to have family members and friends send cards or notes... I had made a request for no more "things"to clutter my life, as much as I appreciate "the thought", I no longer need it to "count".
As my birthday approached, my mailbox was filled with wonderful notes, memories, pictures.... I loved it.
I noticed something odd, though.
So many cards said things like, "Over the hill?" or "The Big 4-0!" or simply implied that, while it was understandable that I might be suicidal, I should hope for the best.

The funny thing is, I feel like turning 40 was actually freeing in a way.

I mean, I feel Strong. Mature (ok, well.... At least not adolescent). I feel GOOD.
Sure, I haven't achieved everything I thought I would. I have some regrets, a few bad habits, and certainly keep hoping that my hips and stomach will magically shrink themselves.
But mostly, I like who I am and what I represent to the world.
Being 40 doesn't take me out of the game, it cements my place- right?

See, I think that the "40" birthday cards should actually be, like:

You made it into the Big Kids' Club. You finally get to stop cringing at all the stupid mistakes you made when you were in your teens, and bask in the knowledge that you are at least a full decade away from the misspent days (nights?) of your 20's. No one even remembers the details anymore. Not even you. Admit it.

YIPPEE! You no longer need to worry about what you want to be when you grow up, and can relax with the realization that no one else really notices or cares what you wear, eat, or think. You may still be part of the Pepsi Generation, but you are no longer required to show your ID for a margarita. Those gray hairs mean you cared, the wrinkles mean you laughed, and the extra pounds mean you enjoyed the ride thusfar.

CONGRATULATIONS on becoming an official adult- thank god you don't have to relive puberty...Or shoulder pads. Your days of astringent and tampons are coming to an end sooner than later- whoopee!

HOORAY for the 40th Birthday! Everyone assumes that by now you know who you are- and respects you! And if they don't- screw 'em... You've earned it!

and this, actually from my cynical and funny brother, Chris:
HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY- This is may be your midlife crisis time...If you live to be 80. But on the outside chance that you die when you're 60, you should have already had it at 30, or if you die tomorrow, your midlife crisis was when you were 20, and you missed it.
Since no one knows how long they're going to live, why not forget about the whole "midlife" anything, and just ENJOY YOUR LIFE.

40 is Faboo.
(...Now if I could just stop thinking about it being the start of my "5th Decade"... sigh...)


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