Avoiding the Laundry

The rantings of a 40 year old woman with too many kids, too many animals, too many opinions and not enough anger pills.

Monday, May 02, 2005

She's Gone!

Yesterday, May 1, 2005. And She is gone.
My Grandmother went home to her Lord.
She was peaceful and ready to go, surrounded by love and prayers.

Throughout the evening before, many of her children and grandchildren sat around her bed and sang for her. We are a singing family- and She was never happier than when we all got together to harmonize for her. "On the Willows", "In My Life", "Circle Game"....hours on end of her favorites. Those of us who were not there in body were able to be there via cell phones held in the air. It was truly awesome to hear this gathering of grief-ridden children (and in those moments, we all were very much children) giving a last gift of pleasure and comfort to their Mother.
When She finally seemed to tire, everyone went to home to a restless attempt to sleep, recalling her labored breathing and pale skin.
Waiting for the phone to ring.
At around 2 am pst, her system had shut down, but She seemed to be struggling to keep breathing. The decision was made by her hospice nurse that She was hanging on for some "reason", and suggested that everyone be called to "give permission" for Gram to let go.

All the local family members were called back to the house, and phone calls were made to those of us who were unable to leave our isolated posts. Throughout the night, a steady stream of "bon voyage" and "be free"s were joyfully spoken to her.
Still, She stayed with us until the very last child; my Mom , who we had been unable to reach at the hospital until around 9am pst. As Mom told Gram to "Go for it!" and told her how happy we all are to see her be with Jesus, She slipped away.
The phone rings.
I was aware of what was happening all night
I know what this phone call is.
"She's gone!"
my baby sister sobs into my ear
and we cry together.
but they are tears of relief
as well as sorrow.
it is not over.
We will grieve for many more days
the anticipation
the worry
the anxiety
is gone.
She took it with her.
And, hey, I appreciate that.
Gram would so do that for us.
She's kinda Jesus-y that way.
We giggle through our tears.

She waited, as any good Catholic Mother would, for May 1st-
the first day of the month of the Virgin Mother.
Even more fitting, it is a glorious Sabbath Sunday.
We all have been joking about that for a few days, but, sure enough, our Rosary-toting Matriarch stayed true to her nature! And, oh so true to her FAITH.
And, coincidentally, there was a fairly large (for the Midwest) earthquake yesterday---WE know what that was all about!
There is so much to say, and too much to feel, but this is a start.
I appreciate the private emails I have received from so many of you- thank you.


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